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Content is still king!

  • “47% of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep.” (Demand Gen)
  • “74% of companies indicate content marketing is increasing their teams’ lead quality and quantity.” (Curata)
  • “Branded content is 22x more engaging than display ads.” (What’s New In Publishing)
  • “92% of consumers want brands to make ads feel like a story.” (One Spot)

So if content is still king, how do you implement it into your marketing strategy? That’s where I come in. I help businesses fortify their marketing matrix with branded content, and then I help them choose what kind of content to create.


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Do you need to position your brand to dominate your niche? I work with ambitious change agents on a mission to lead their industry. I help them cultivate the right words, character, and story to reach the right audience with branding and viral content.


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